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Prologue Teaser For My Upcoming Book

All I could smell was her hair… Burning.
The exact events of that day are but a distant echo, the last remnants of the girl that I once was. But that last memory of her will be emblazoned in my memory for an eternity. The way that her pristine white dress, which seemed to almost give off an ethereal glow of warmth, crumbled to blackened ashes to match the remains of the place that I once called home. 
Home. That word almost seems humorous to me now, but back then… It almost seemed like it really meant something. I know better now. There is no home. Not for people like me, anyway. Not for people like us. 
Attachments like that make us weak, unfit to survive in the cold world that I couldn’t bear to fathom back then. After all, I was only a girl. Eight years under my belt, but even that is far too long to be sheltered from the truth. 
I know that I should feel grateful for such a revelation, but I must admit that, at times, I feel regret for my actions. Not for disposing of the traitor, mind you, but for abandoning the one closest to me. My infant sister.
She was but a newborn back then, helpless and alone in the pool of blood that we left behind. So innocent, so pure… And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to save her.
That is the source of my conflicting emotions. My regret for my inaction. She was my sister, after all, and yet I abandoned her. Left her to fade away into the ashes, along with the traitor that attempted to take her away from me.  
Was it all for naught? I still ask myself that question to this very day. Whether I could save her from the fate, worse than death, that had befallen her. To be entrusted to the very people that sought our destruction. Our sworn enemies from birth. 
Perhaps I was at fault, but can you really say that you wouldn’t do the same? A wildfire raging all around, consuming flesh and material alike in an indiscriminate inquisition… Would you not seek shelter?
Instinct is a powerful thing, and by her blessing, I have learned to embrace it. As such, I ran. Escaped the nightmare that was my life back then, only to stumble upon the bliss of freedom, granted to us by the Maiden.
Fear, hate, angst… All emotions were cleansed from my being upon meeting her. The maiden in white, lying in wait for me on the outskirts of the forest. Allowing me to fall into her heavenly embrace. Alone, scared, and without any attachments to the mortal world around us.
It was in that moment that I embraced who I really was. Letting free all of the emotions that I had been taught to suppress for all of my life up until that point. Embracing the entirety of my gifted soul. 
Some things are best forgotten

That's it for now guys! Possibly more teasers to come in the future, but be sure to be on the lookout for the full release coming soon. :)

And just remember, for all the latest and greatest updates on one of the hottest new Dark Fantasy novels to be coming this season, be sure to check back here at GGF!


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