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How to Shred Body Fat, Burn Calories, and Build Overall fitness with this NEAT Trick

No, the word NEAT is not capitalized because I'm trying to be all cool and cynical with those lame ads going around. Rather, it's an acronym for a quite amazing tool when it comes to a fit lifestyle, Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis.

Basically, this means that it's a term made up on the spot to account for all the activity you accrue, all the calories that you burn throughout the day, without specifically trying to through traditional forms of exercise.

Ever notice how some of the leanest people you've ever met tend to be the fidgety, restless types? Never wanting to sit down, always tapping their feet... Hell, that las one really adds up in terms of calorie burn over the years. Turns out it isn't just some sort of genetic blessing or overactive thyroid, after all.

And that's one of the biggest aspects of all of this that people to consider: the long-term factor to fitness, and especially weight gain/loss. Sure, maybe you're only burning a few extra calories by chewing gum or tapping your feet throughout the day, but remember that those calories add up over the year. This means that a simple 30 calorie per day burn will eventually add up to 10,950 calories burned over the course of the entire year.

IT doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how something so seemingly insignificant can actually make a huge difference, especially when combined with other forms of NEAT (Pacing, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, using a manual tooth brush, etc.)

Now, stop to consider the fact that there are 3,500 calories, on average, contained within one pound of fat. Burning close to 11,000 calories over a year due to fidgeting doesn't sound like much at first, but when you take that into consideration, it becomes fairly obvious the dramatic impact that NEAT can have. After all, that's 3.13 (rounded) pounds over the year for just that single change!

We live in a society where everyone wants instant results. !0 pounds lost over 10 days, 15 pounds of muscle gained within a month, etc. but these goals are not only unrealistic, but they set us up for potentially devastating habits in the future (drug abuse, eating disorders, to name a few) so it's worth stopping to appreciate approaches like this.

Not only does NEAT have the benefit of being something that, honestly, one barely even notices (whereas exercise is usually seen as hard work, something to be avoided due to discomfort) but it also avoids yet another factor which plagues the quick-fix approaches: the rebound effect.

Losing weight and getting fit isn't something that happens overnight, and on the rare occasion that one is able to make that happen, it's entirely unsustainable for the vast majority of cases. Due to the extremely subtle nature of NEAT, it's a surefire way to not only lose the weight, but also to keep it off.

But anyway, remember when I said that NEAT isn't good just for losing weight and burning calories, but also building overall fitness? For my definition of overall fitness, be sure to check out this article.

Taking a long walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away from the store, are just a few examples of several ways that NEAT can improve your overall fitness: mind, body, and soul. There's nothing more relaxing than a long walk, and if you've ever tried running up a flight of about ten floors worth of stairs or so, you'd also know that it's an excellent way to improve conditioning. I'd argue that a simple walk, some time to just ease up and reflect on your life as you embrace the subtleties of nature around you, is one of the best things you can do for your overall fitness. And best of all? Like all NEAT, it doesn't feel like workout, because it actually isn't

Overall, the best part about all of this is that, for the amazing benefits it promises, this isn't some fad, or some plan that I'm planning on charging you monthly for (damn it!). The low, low effort and cost are what make the entirety of NEAT so incredibly compelling, when combined with the benefits.

So in conclusion, go take a walk. Take the stairs. Fidget a little. Hell, even chew on some sugar free gum for a good hour or so (the packaging says it's good for your teeth, so it MUST be true!)

Overall, don't stress, and just live your life. Live your life in a way that allows you to become the best version of yourself, no matter how long it takes.

And yes, I suppose that fidget spinners qualify as NEAT too....

Actually, all of this is VERY similar in concept to the most effective means of burning bodyfat, calories, and boosting my overall fitness I've found yet, which you can read about here, in case you missed it.


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