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3 Adaptogens to Skyrocket Performance, Crush Anxiety, Boost Memory, and Burn Fat/Build Muscle!

Stressed? Tell me about it.

Seriously though, we all go through periods of our lives where we undergo stresses of all kinds, and for some of us, things like anxiety and brain fog are simply a part of life; however, there are certain plant compounds called adaptogens that do just that, help your body adapt.

You won’t get any sort of rush from these like you would with caffeine: that’s not how adaptogens work. Adaptogens simply help to normalize a body that is, for whatever reason, not functioning optimally to some degree. If you want to boost performance even further beyond what is normal, just wait for my upcoming article on nootropics, powerful compounds of both natural and synthetic natures that can help the human body, particularly the mind, excel beyond normal measures.

As someone who suffers from ADD, OCD, and Panic Attack Disorder, though, adaptogens have quickly taken their place as my favorite kind of dietary supplement or herb on the market. Listed below are the top three that I have found to be effective for myself, have been rigorously studied, and have allowed thousands of people across the globe thrive, rather than just survive.

That isn’t to say that these are the only adaptogens in existence (more to come in the future on these other adaptogens) but these are simply the three that are so important, so effective, that I chose to prioritize them above all others.

  1. Ashwagandha
This has easily become my favorite herb for a number of reasons. Actually, this has been just about my favorite supplement, period. You’ll quickly discover why.

Sold yet? If so, the dosage used in almost all studies is 300-600mg per day, in divided doses or all at once (doesn’t seem to matter) BUT there’s a catch here, and that’s standardization. Ideally, you want to go with one of two patented extracts, simply because these are the two extracts used in the studies cited above, and because with the thousands of compounds present in such potent adaptogens, standardizing for the RIGHT ones is critically important.

The two you want to look for are KSM-66 and Sensoril. These are the two patented extracts that have been rigorously tested over the years, and in fact, Ashwagandha is one of the most proven adaptogens out there. An empty stomach has been suggested but has not been proven to be optimal.

  1. Rhodiola Rosea

This is just about the closest you can come to a natural alternative to Adderall, or whatever else a college student might use in order to pull an all-night cram session for a test.

No, this doesn’t mean that pulling an all-nighter, or depriving yourself of sleep is a GOOD idea, but sometimes in life… Stuff just happens. When that stuff does hit the metaphorical fan, reach for some Rhodiola Rosea.

As for the optimal dosage, a dose of 300-600mg of an extract providing 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidrosides seems to be optimal. An empty stomach has been suggested, but not proven to be necessary.

  1. Bacopa Monnieri

This may not be my most favorite herb on this list, but it is perhaps the most captivating in what it does: improve memory, cognition, and offer neuroprotective effects. In particular, Bacopa seems to be effective for memory retention.

As if that weren’t enough, Bacopa also has one of my favorite benefits of just about anything: reduced anxiety.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I happen to like my brain, and as both a student and writer, memory retention and overall cognition are two things that are incredibly important to me, and as such, Bacopa has become an indispensable herb in my arsenal for health, wellbeing, and the ability to benefit the life of others through my own knowledge.

I’ll warn you, though, that this is probably the worst herb I’ve tasted, aside from maybe Kava, and that’s saying quite a lot. As such, either cap, buy it in pills or do whatever you can to mask the taste.

As for what to look for, you’re looking for a high concentration of Bacosides. Somewhere around 50% is optimal, and it is the standardization most commonly used in studies. If you want to play it 100% safe and use a patented extract that has been put to the test (literally) then go with the Synapse


To conclude, there are a few additional factors with Bacopa worth considering.
  • Bacopa tends to cause stomach upset in some individuals, so taking it with a meal may be prudent.
  • Bacopa also tends to work better when taken with food anyway (better absorption)
  • The cognitive benefits take time to work
  • The anxiety benefits can be acute in nature, but don’t bank on it.
  • Bacopa tends to make people sleepy, so it’s probably best to take it at night.

Where To Buy: I have absolutely no affiliation with this website whatsoever, but I can vouch for their quality above all others,

ALSO: Please don’t forget to vote for me on Amazon, and help to make my dream a reality.


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