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A Few Notes About My Upcoming Health and Fitness Book

First of all, yes, I know, surprise surprise. The chronic writer is finally deciding to "cash in" and write a fitness book of his own.

However, that's far from the case, as far as the term "cash in" is concerned.

Actually not a bad book. Too bad it focuses only on calories.
Actually, that's precisely the reason why I feel the need to write this blog post in order to dispel a few myths and rumors that may or may not surround my latest, greatest upcoming release (Aside from my next book in the Nightmare of Eden Series, the first of which can be found here, and could really use your vote/support if you have any kindness in your heart.

This upcoming fitness book will NOT be your run of the mill diet book, and it will NOT be a collection of templates, routines, or even solidified commandments as to "how to get beach ready" or some such nonsense. In fact, the tone and progression will be much like a series of my most recent blog posts. Take from that what you will. If you've been enjoying my most recent content then great, but if not, then I at least hope that you can find some value in the hours of research, dedication, and personal/external experience poured into this book.

Actually, a more proper term for this undertaking would be "manifesto", so that's what I'll call it, my manifesto.

Anyway, here's what the manifesto WILL NOT include
-quick fixes
-easy solutions
-ways to hack yourself (god, how I hate the term biohacking, but that's another rant for another day)
-links to expensive supplements without proper research to back their efficiency
-just about ANYTHING I don't personally believe in, have used for myself with success, or seen others have success within their own fitness journey
-Any dietary trickery (Don't eat carbs after exactly 6:34PM BRO! It will all go straight to your cute little muffin top you got going on).
-Reasssurance that you can eat whatever you want as long as you fit it into some magical timeframe, or make sure to take supplement X alongside your "cheat meals".
Sorry, but just because you ate it during the magical timeframe doesn't mean jack-diddly.

Here's what the release WILL include
-Real talk. Basically, I'm not going to hold your hand on this one, just as I never do.
-Plenty of things and ideas that you may find uncomfortable, but will make you stronger/a better human being in the long run.
-Solid, practical pieces of advice to you to apply to your life with at least some level of benefit from day one. 
-Training tips that will get you stronger, healthier, and overall more well-rounded to achieve peak physical performance.
-A complete lack of fancy gadgets that you need to purchase and use.
-Quite possibly the most honest advice you'll ever get, coming from someone who has walked just about every road there is to walk in life. From cripple to obese, from weak to competing in powerlifting, from vegan to near-carnivore, all while dealing with several mental and physical ailments.
-Recipes for healthy deserts that actually DON'T taste like trashy granola. (have you SEEN the nutrition facts on granola anyway? That shit is ridiculously overloaded with sugar and low-quality sources of fat.)
Ingredients: Whey, apples, nuts, whipped cream and cinnamon to taste.
If any of this sounds like the right kind of advice for you, the kind of advice that you need in your life, then be sure to keep on the lookout, boys and girls, because this one is coming soon. Also... Seriously, if you would consider promoting my existing work on Amazon, that would be freakin' great. 


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