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Basically, my childhood dream has finally come true. Ever since 5th grade, I have wanted to write a novel. These ideas floated in my mind, gnawing at the edges of my fingers just begging me to put them on the page... but it wasn't until NaNoWriMo finally came around and kicked my butt in gear that I actually put in the work and made it happen, all 75 thousand words of it (and several drafts). Along comes Kindle Scout, a campaign so generously provided by Amazon to find the very best of the novels produced by NaNoWriMo, and make the dreams of would-be authors around the world finally come true, publishing their book. The process itself requires votes. Each individual account gets three votes to "spend" on novels that they feel are worth publishing, and it is the votes of the people that decide the lucky winners. I'm not going to beg anyone to support, but suffice it to say that having this book finally published, to be able to run to my 5th grade English T
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A Few Notes About My Upcoming Health and Fitness Book

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The Most Underrated Adaptogen

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3 Adaptogens to Skyrocket Performance, Crush Anxiety, Boost Memory, and Burn Fat/Build Muscle!

Stressed? Tell me about it. Seriously though, we all go through periods of our lives where we undergo stresses of all kinds, and for some of us, things like anxiety and brain fog are simply a part of life; however, there are certain plant compounds called adaptogens that do just that, help your body adapt. You won’t get any sort of rush from these like you would with caffeine: that’s not how adaptogens work. Adaptogens simply help to normalize a body that is, for whatever reason, not functioning optimally to some degree. If you want to boost performance even further beyond what is normal, just wait for my upcoming article on nootropics, powerful compounds of both natural and synthetic natures that can help the human body, particularly the mind, excel beyond normal measures. As someone who suffers from ADD, OCD, and Panic Attack Disorder, though, adaptogens have quickly taken their place as my favorite kind of dietary supplement or herb on the market. Listed below are the top